03.-04.07.2024 Gender&Diversity Management (EN)

Workshop Gender&Diversity Management 


Magdeburg- Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie


03.-04.07.2024, starts at 8:45am




Andrea Dufne


Today's university landscape is characterized by a high level of diversity. The age structure of students, academics and employees varies. The generational shift in academia and in companies is imminent. A great opportunity to establish gender equality.
Gender and diversity competence in universities and companies involves recognizing diversity potential, as well as raising awareness of racist and sexist "attributions" or harassment. It is important to activate a bridge-building process in the context of diversity. A contemporary way of working together means focusing on individuals, the abandonment and prevention of discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudices.
The seminar not only provides an overview of gender and diversity concepts and gender or diversity issues but also addresses dealing with stereotyping and attributed social differences, including sexual harassment. Gender-related conflict areas and power mechanisms in universities and companies are examined.


Maximum number of participants: 15 people

Registration deadline 27.06.2024

Click here for registration


Letzte Änderung: 17.05.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster